Indonesia ready for 2024 elections
The Republic of Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelagic state. Consisting of over 17,000 islands, it is home to 279 million people. Indonesia is a presidential republic with the capital of Jakarta located on the island of Java, the most populous island in the world. The majority of the population are Muslim, followed by Christians, Hindus, and Buddhist minorities.
In February 2024 Indonesia is going to have its fifth presidential election. The contesting candidates are:

  • Anies Baswedan who has no party affiliation and used to be a governor of Jakarta until 2022;
  • Prabowo Subianto from right-wing populist party Gerindra;
  • Ganjar Pranowo from another populist party, The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle.
Omniki.survey conducted a survey among the Indonesian citizens in the wake of the elections. Most of the respondents supported Prabowo Subianto, followed by Ganjar Pranovo and Anies Baswegan. Omniki.survey was using river sampling as their methodological framework. The technology is comprised of two steps:

  1. Construction of a sample on the Internet without preliminary recruitment of the respondents. The sample is chosen from previously formed databases
  2. The respondents are then attracted to participate through banners, contextual advertising, and posts on social networks
Jakarta, Indonesia
The majority of the Indonesians who participated in the survey argue that they trust their president. The results show a 71.8% level of confidence in the incumbent. On the other hand, 17.3% of the respondents indicated that they chose not to trust President Joko Widodo. The rest of the participants had difficulty assessing their level of trust in the president and appointed to 10.9% of the group.

Interestingly, just below 50% of the respondents knew about the upcoming elections in February of 2024. Conversely, almost a third of the Indonesians who participated in the survey heard something about the elections or found the question difficult to answer. Finally, 14.5% of the Indonesian citizens heard about the elections for the first time from the questionnaire.

Nevertheless, 75.9% of the participants were certain they would participate in the upcoming presidential elections. 12.4% of the group argued that they found the question difficult to answer, whilst 11.7% argued that most likely they are not going to take part in the elections.
Overall, the majority of Indonesian citizens are ready for the upcoming elections. The study by Omniki.survey confirmed that participants demonstrated confidence in the existing system of government by demonstrating their will to participate in the electoral process. Furthermore, almost one-half of the respondents were particularly interested in electoral participation, which indicated that most Indonesians take an active interest in the political life of their country.

To summarize, the study demonstrates that the majority of the Indonesian population demonstrates high confidence in the incumbent president. Furthermore, most Indonesians are well aware of the upcoming elections and are willing to actively participate in them.
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