Egyptians on expectations from the President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has served as the President of Egypt since 2014. His tenure has mostly been focused on various projects aimed at national development, including the Egypt Vision 2030, a general framework for improving the quality of lives and welfare in a sustainable way. Under his leadership, there has also been a major expansion of the Suez Canal maritime traffic and the construction of the New Administrative Capital (NAC) to the east of Cairo. Moreover, during his second term, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi put a strong emphasis on preserving cultural heritage and improving country’s infrastructure.

Nonetheless, in order to be in line with the aspirations of the constituency, it is crucial to assess the alignment of public expectations with the actual attributes of a state leader. In the beginning of 2024, Omniki.survey conducted a study that aimed at exploring the opinion of those who trust and distrust Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as the leader of Egypt. This survey examined the perceived strengths and weaknesses of a president, alongside the policies anticipated to be enacted within the Egyptian context.
As such, those who trust the president place the highest value on his orientation to the needs of the people, with 37% highlighting this as the expected primary quality. In reality, they perceive his intelligence and intellect as the most significant attributes, at 34%. Moreover, they suggest that the president’s focus should be on price regulation, a priority for 30% of the trusting respondents.
On the flip side, respondents who distrust the president also agree that orientation to the needs of the people is the expected primary quality, but to a slightly lesser extent, at 29%. However, there is a stark contrast in their perception of the president's actual qualities, with only 7% acknowledging his intelligence and intellect. A significant 46,6% of the distrusting group feels the president should be more concerned with educational issues, underscoring quality and accessibility. Those who found it difficult to decide mirrored the expectations of the trusting respondents regarding the president's orientation to the people's needs, yet only 8% see this reflected in reality, with 26,1% emphasizing the need for a focus on education.
This subject requires examination from various angles. To ensure the most impartial responses, Omniki.survey employs the river-sampling technique, which constructs a sample online without prior enlistment of participants into a panel. In this research model, individuals are recruited through online banners, targeted advertisements, and social media posts.

Leave your contacts and receive a report with the following data:

  • Most important qualities for a President of Egypt;
  • Areas, which Abdel Fattah el-Sisi handles best;
  • Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s term: expectations vs. reality.
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