Amman Residents Think Good City Environment Is A Shared Responsibility
The Jordan Strategy Forum recently announced that Amman has progressed seven ranks and now stands at 128th place out of the 142 cities evaluated, becoming the tenth highest-ranking city among its Arab counterparts. The study conducted by Omniki.Survey earlier this year gives additional credit to the latest index, whereby almost 70% of Amman residents across different age groups found the city environment favourable for living.
The capital of Jordan — Amman — has a population of over two million people. Today, it is a culturally diverse metropolis in which traces of ancient history and innovations of modern life amicably coexist, attracting thousands of tourists each year.

In this study conducted in April 2024, Omniki.survey, explored:

  • How the residents of Amman perceive the city environment;
  • What problems they experience;
  • Who should carry responsibility for its sustainable development.

Problems that Stand Out

In 2021, Amman ranked fourth in nitrogen pollution rates among MENA cities such as Cairo, Beirut, Dubai, and others covered in the Greenpeace report. The problem seems to have persisted: 28% of those polled by Omniki.Survey cited a clean environment as one of the burning issues that Amman residents are concerned about.

Self-sufficiency of Amman residents

Some of the most frequent issues that arise and require the interference of city municipalities are problems relating to the provision of utility services (e.g. water, electricity, gas, and waste); property ownership; access to social programmes; and education and minor care.

It seems that many people in Amman are capable of resolving issues on their own — over 45% of those who participated in the study stated that they have never turned to the Municipality of Greater Amman for help. Two-thirds of those (25,4%) who needed the Municipality to assist them in solving a problem confirmed that their problem was successfully dealt with. Overall, Amman residents are satisfied with the level of service provided by the institution.

About Omniki.Survey

Identifying people’s concerns is part of a decision-making process for the governmental authorities on all levels — national, regional, and local.

Omniki.Survey uses a river-sampling method for data collection from unbiased respondents, screening out quick fills and illogical answers to ensure that the data gathered is reliable and robust.

Using the best practices of sociological science Omniki.Survey delivers the basic facts and helps both governmental authorities and companies gain the necessary insight for positive change to happen.

Leave your contacts and receive a report with the following data:

  • Most pronounced problems in Amman
  • Self-sufficiency of Amman residents
  • Awareness of Mutual Responsibility
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