9 Sociological Insights to Drive Sales in the HoReCa Business
The hardest thing in any business is to retain relevance as trends evolve and to sell — the more, the better. And here is when data-driven decisions come into play.
Days when companies gained access to their consumers’ heads by hiring psychologists are as good as over even though some of the tricks established years ago are still in use today. Talking to consumers and collecting data digitally is the new reality that helps companies tap into the core needs, preferences, and habits that drive customers to make buying choices they make.

Omniki.Survey has uncovered nine data-based insights that can help the HoReCa business managers make decisions that will create long-term value for their companies.

Hotels, Restaurants and Catering: Then and Now

The HoReCA businesses do not operate much differently today than they did, say, in the 1950s. The core business pillars that constitute the restaurant business have stayed the same — people still see tables and chairs when they walk into their favourite restaurant as well as waitstaff trying to deliver excellent service. What has changed dramatically due to the insights gained from data analysis, however, is how these companies approach their relationship with the customer both on the demand side and the supply side. Data is what has enabled the HoReCa companies not only to stay competitive but also to act proactively when a crisis strikes out of nowhere — the COVID pandemic is a great example of how certain companies that managed to adapt to the new circumstances were able to survive the storm better than others.

Companies today process enormous volumes of data that come in through various channels — from direct b2c transactions using banking cards and tracking consumer feedback on social media to outsourcing research from well-reputed sociological firms.

Now let’s look at the areas where insights can be drawn to drive companies to make preventive decisions to inspire more loyalty with the existing consumer and get to the new potential customer ahead of its competitors.

1. Understanding the Target Consumer

Knowing your target consumer is key to success in any industry. Knowing when and why the target consumer may think to deviate from their habit of buying from their preferred place of choice gives the company the necessary edge to maintain and grow its customer base.

In one of its recent studies Omniki.Survey revealed that Indonesians aged between 18 and 44 were among the absolute majority who loved to frequent KFC with more than 70% of those polled being men of the Muslim faith. If this profile group were to be scrutinised even further it would have given the famous fast-food restaurant chain more understanding of the habits these people have and how they affect their decision to dine at KFC over and over again and consequently use this data to market to the people who match a certain number of pre-determined characteristics.

2. Being Aware of Competition

In the early1970-s Burger King in its attempt to challenge McDonald’s leading position devised a strategy that resided on its competitor’s weakness: while McDonald’s managed to cook hamburgers fast and sell them at a reasonably low price, the cooking process left no room for improvisation. Putting the very notion of the fast-food business — the speed of cooking — at stake, Burger King offered its customers freedom to choose their ingredients which marketers summed up in a simple “Have it your way” offer.

Omniki.Survey can help in-house marketing teams identify their competitors' strengths, weaknesses and opportunities as deemed by the company’s key competitors’ customers. That data carries enormous value to such aspects of the HoReCa business as pricing, contents of the menu as well as brand perception.

3. Determining Channel Effectiveness

A company’s brand story is not only about what it says but also how and where it says it. Choosing the right channels can help businesses increase their reach, relevance, and resonance with the target audience.

In a recent study for KFC Indonesia Omniki.Survey established that Indonesians choosing to eat at KFC preferred to receive information on new offers, location openings, menu changes, etc. mainly through Instagram (36,5%) and Facebook (20,2%). At the same time, the study confirmed the relevance of offline promotion channels such as street banners and in-restaurant marketing which landed 16,2% and 15,7% of the votes respectively.

To summarise the above, it should be reiterated once again that the scope of insights online research can provide and help businesses make right and timely decisions is limitless. Asking the target audience the right questions is key.

You Set a Goal, We Deliver

Running a business on gut in the age when IT has infiltrated virtually every aspect of human life is something we at Omnikki.Survey will always advise against.

Time is of the essence when it comes to decision-making, and Omniki.Survey knows how to collect data quickly and efficiently and deliver the findings clearly and transparently to make it easy for businesses to read data and act on the insights gained.
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